New Beginnings’ mission is to reduce recidivism rates by educating, empowering, and encouraging inmates to no longer fall victim to their circumstance(s).
Connecting Inmates to Their Purpose & Vision
The New Beginnings Program is a two-week intensive life skills-driven curriculum. The course emphasizes personal-social development. Research shows that the major contributing factor to reoffending and probation violations stem from the lack of self-knowledge, self-esteem, and a plan to effectively utilize community resources. By serving inmates 60-90 days before release, students more successfully transition from prison into a productive future.

New Beginnings has been providing services to the Lancaster County Prison located in Lancaster Pennsylvania since 2014. Our program success is contributed to our strong supports by the prison administrative team, community leaders, and our strong community partnerships.

in-person re-entry program
Helps inmates understand their purpose, vision, and most importantly, develop a plan upon their release.
“This class was amazing even though I’m just as scared from the outside, I’m willing to take what I have learned and will apply it to my everyday life.”
~ Caryn P.
“This is the first time that I have a real chance at rehabilitation in jail. Very helpful.”
~ Benny S.
“I wish the class was longer. Trish was very moving and straight forward. She makes a good teacher and keeps the class focused.”
~ Patty S.